As we all know (those of us who have ventured out of quarantine), the latest James Bond film ends with our assumption that Bond is blown to smithereens by the blasts of ten thousand guided missile loads exploding around him when he cannot escape from a remote island where a chronic narcissist has been manufacturing nano-robotic devices that have the ability to attack specific DNA substances that could result in the annihilation of entire races of humans.

I saw the film two days ago at a Cinnebar in Salem, Oregon. It was the first time I had visited a movie theater in two years. I had become attuned to watching everything on a 65 inch flat screen. The big screen at the Cinnebar reminded me of just how much of an impact the live theater experience can have on one.

The special effects of this film are on parr with those of “Titanic” (with which the Bond film shares a similar run time of almost 3 hours).

But, it was nice to be back at the movies again. That Cinnebar must seat 100 guests. On that day, there were fewer than 10 in the audience.

James M. Kemp

October 18, 2021