Since 2013, I have been writing posts in this blog that deal with my chronic respiratory condition that has been diagnosed as Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. I have had that diagnosis since 2009 when I was last hospitalized in the ICU at Bay Area Hospital in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Now, 10 years after starting this blog, I have news of what appears to be either a different diagnosis or an expanded diagnosis. My PCP has ordered annual chest CTs based in the fact that I am a former smoker.

The first scan found two unknown nodules in one of my lungs. the second scan 6 months later found that the nodules had not changed nor had they grown.

Earlier this year, the most recent scan found the same thing – no change; no growth. This time, however, the report from the doctor reading the scan made a significant notation in terms of what these nodules might be.

Granulomatous cells.

My body seems to have had this condition since childhood when I had regular infections in my toenails. In young adulthood, I experienced chronic bronchitis. In midlife, these infections took the form of toxic reaction to black molds.

While I have not had a major infection since 2009, my body continues to produce what now appear to be Giant Cell Granulomatous cysts. Most of these have formed as skeletonal