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Spotlight Community Theater in Stayton, Oregon will be selling original items actually used in the 2019 premiere of my musical adaptation, “And the Snow Falls – the Musical”. Each item will have a Certificate of Authenticity to accompany the purchased item.

Here is what that certificate will look like and the address of the sale catalogue in a QR code. Scan it with your cell phone.

As a follow up to last night’s blog, I am attaching a PDF of the first act of my audio drama titled “Spout’s First Note”. The word note refers to a note of music. The people who live on Spout’s planet of Songsing, tend to be gifted in music. But how would they react to a non-musical youth?

James M. Kemp

October 28, 2021

Yesterday, the dental technician at my dentist’s office asked me to reschedule an appointment to have a tooth capped. I had already done that once. But yesterday, when I was required to answer Covid-related questions, one question was, “Have you had contact within the past 14 days with anyone known to be positive for the […]

The Big Sleep — dzinor2013

Yesterday, the dental technician at my dentist’s office asked me to reschedule an appointment to have a tooth capped. I had already done that once. But yesterday, when I was required to answer Covid-related questions, one question was, “Have you had contact within the past 14 days with anyone known to be positive for the virus?”

I had to answer truthfully – yes, I had. Ten days earlier, I was on stage with an actor named Fred who was the lead and who was playing my son in a production of the old Victorian farce, “Charley’s Aunt”. We were scheduled to open a few days after that. In fact, two days after that, the director called to say that our opening was being rescheduled ahead two weeks.

Fred had tested positive for Covid 19 infection.

I myself have already had my third Pfizer booster shot. I was not too concerned. However, I did go to my own doctor’s office that Saturday to get a Covid test.

It was negative.

I have been taking advantage of the schedule change by completing my director’s cut of my full-length, independent musical parody of the classic Hollywood zombie films titled, “Veil of Secrecy 2020” of which, the first of four episodes is now playing on my Wistia account under The Lemon Aid Network.

And then, I received a text message from my fellow director, Beverly Wilson. It was simple.

“Fred died.”

And I am devastated. That beautiful young Black man had been a success at so many endeavors – was a licensed real estate broker, was an emerging talent as an actor and had already agreed to play a part on our new LAN Television series, “Watching Over Me.”


That is how I feel.


James M. Kemp, October 22, 2021

As we all know (those of us who have ventured out of quarantine), the latest James Bond film ends with our assumption that Bond is blown to smithereens by the blasts of ten thousand guided missile loads exploding around him when he cannot escape from a remote island where a chronic narcissist has been manufacturing nano-robotic devices that have the ability to attack specific DNA substances that could result in the annihilation of entire races of humans.

I saw the film two days ago at a Cinnebar in Salem, Oregon. It was the first time I had visited a movie theater in two years. I had become attuned to watching everything on a 65 inch flat screen. The big screen at the Cinnebar reminded me of just how much of an impact the live theater experience can have on one.

The special effects of this film are on parr with those of “Titanic” (with which the Bond film shares a similar run time of almost 3 hours).

But, it was nice to be back at the movies again. That Cinnebar must seat 100 guests. On that day, there were fewer than 10 in the audience.

James M. Kemp

October 18, 2021

Among other things, I am a YouTube vlogger. A standard in the vlogger’s repertoire in The Apartment Tour.

Here is the link to mine –

Aeolus’ leafy harp,

Strummed by the Breeze of Spring,

Unthaws the deepest snows

And melts all icy things.
Can Summer Breeze be far behind,

With welcome coolness in the night,

That soothes the heatedness of mind;

Is welcomed by All Humankind?
Or does he wait for drier leaves,

That glow in golden fading light,

Yet gives us warning of The Cold,

And of the coming Winter Nights?
James M. Kemp

May 29, 2021

This theatrical production was featured in 2019 at the Little Red Schoolhouse Theater in Stayton, Oregon. As of this writing, the first act of that production can be streamed from my newly created Internet portal at

I do plan to return to Illinois this autumn and record several more poem/epitaphs/photoplays in the Lewiston, Illinois area using local talents who are active in the Galesburg, Illinois area.

I am now busy finishing up my Isolation Film “Veil of Secrecy 2020 – Danny Attacks the Virus”. Early versions of that film can be seen on both YouTube and on the Internet portal mentioned above.

The first act of my Christmas musical “And the Snow Falls” can also be streamed on that portal.

Like the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, I have been creating a pyramid. Theirs was built by slaves. Mine is being built from words and images.

My Last Will and Testament authorizes the executor of my estate to consider my Internet site The Lemon Aid Network, to be the repository of my labors while on Earth, during this incarnation.

So let it be written. So let it be done.