It has been two years since the Beechie Creek Fire in Oregon that destroyed the town of Detroit and partially destroyed the towns of Gates and Lyons, Oregon. On September 17, 2020, Marion County Oregon had the worst air quality of any place in the world.

The particulates from that fire included many toxic and carcinogenic materials such as asbestos, lead, mercury and many more. The night of September 17-18, Marion County experienced a severe windstorm. One result of that storm was that this particulate was blown into my apartment.

Several different types of debris covered my personal property.

I had an apartment dwelling owner’s policy with The Hartford Insurance Company through AARP. The Kentucky-based adjuster sent a Servicemaster representative to inspect the damage. Servicemaster refused to prepare an estimate and insisted that I sign a contract authorizing them to begin cleanup on a time-and-expense basis.

I contacted two different restoration contractor’s. One simply said I did not have enough coverage to pay for the cleanup.

I asked the Hartford adjuster to send me its check for $14,000, the lower of the two contractor’s bids. The adjuster sent me a check for $4,000.

My apartment has not been habitable for two years. My attorney has filed suit against The Hartford.

I have a rare respiratory condition – hypersensitivity pneumonitis. In 2022, my pulmonologist found two new “things” on my lungs. I now have to have an MRI of my lungs every 6 months.

How many of my followers have had similar experiences with insurance companies?