Archives for category: Essay

Watching Donald Trump play Sink or Swim is fun for me. He has told so many lies, abused so many women, created so many racist sycophants, that to me, he deserves to drown. However, as of today, he has managed to hire attorneys who will never get paid and who propose specious theories to politically and financially prejudiced judges, that to me, suggests he might just swim.

Mammon is a concept that appears in our Bible. Mammon appears in Edmund Spencer’s “Fairie Queene” poem. Mammon appears to be the emblem for the collective greed of all humans who have occupied this earth, who presently do occupy this earth and, if Donald Trump or anyone like him, is ever in control of human destiny, will occupy this earth, the solar system, every universe and every reality of which human beings are now aware.

That is the extent to which human mendacity has created a wicked Tower of Babel from which we can never reach God, if we define God as the loving creator of all we have known, do know and will know.

Mammon is Greed; human greed; childish, selfish greed.

Greed controls our lives. We like to think that a comfortable retirement is the end goal of having lived an admirable life. But we still fear death.

That fear of death is driving force behind all we do, all we know and is behind all we are in spirit.

Jesus Christ or the tradition a Jewish agitator created in the political state that the Romans created, tells us all we need to know about escaping from death. From him or from the stories told by people who knew him, we learn that we cannot serve two masters – our loving creator versus our common greed.

Our dilemma is that we have created a system which attempts to do both. Call that system the Anti-Christ. We have taken literature from a unique religious tradition and transformed it into a new, human-made religion which attests to the idea that a book containing that literature, was in fact written by the loving creator and contains no topic that could ever be discussed in any form without resulting in what we fear most – Death.

Today, much of the world celebrates the myth of a human being who escaped Death. Many of the celebrants firmly believe that whatever they themselves perceive to exist in the Bible, gives then the divine authority to represent that Creator’s will on earth.

That perception has resulted in Mammon becoming the force that drives our human spiritual, political and personal lives. Mammon gives us the imagined right to love things and to use other human beings, even to the point of murder, for our greedy needs.

Under Mammon’s authority that Mammon grants to states, entire countries now have the authority to commit the genocide of entire human communities. Under Mammon’s authority, humans have built an electronic Tower of Babel that may never reach the level of divine wisdom since it allows humans to murder to promote human Greed.

That ends my Easter blog for today. As the Christ figure was heard to say to his understanding of God, as Mammon was orchestrating Christ’s own death by Roman Crucifixion, “May thy will, not my will be done.”

May we have the wisdom to recognize the will of God for his creation and to then do the will of that loving creator.


Old guy at the gym.

When you check out of a store, do the clerks yell at you like you are deaf? When you drive at the speed limit, do younger people honk at you and pass you with raised fists? When you carry your groceries to your car, do nice, young people offer to help you?

If so, and if you are retirement age, you might be a victim of Age Discrimination! Tadadeedum!

Maggie Kuhn started the Gray Panthers in the 1970s as an advocacy group for senior citizens. Since then, while seniors have enjoyed nice perks, we also are becoming a marginalized social group.

Our culture is ever more one that venerates Youth. How many ads show beautiful young people enjoying life while the ads show debilitated, diseased and decrepit seniors?

We tend to treat ourselves as if we retired with the only purpose being that we hang around and die, as if we all had Alzheimers or dementia and were condemned to a life in a wheelchair.

I want the purpose of this blog to be a place where seniors can air their thoughts and experiences with being marginalized.

How has our society marginalized you as a senior citizen?

This blog is about the private investment cooperative group which I recently created. I know that sounds complicated a boring. It is both.

If you stopped reading with that last sentence, you will never know about this for-profit system I am creating. No, I am not begging for money. (If you want to donate to my non-profit entity however, a donation button on all of my web pages is located at the bottom of each page. You will be redirected to my Square(up?) account where you can deposit money into my business bank account).

So, what’s up? I finished editing my first full-length film/video. I have a marketable product. I also have potentially 45 individuals that helped me produce the piece. I have given each of them one stock certificate of ownership in the film/video itself.

As I have been pondering the marketing of the product, several things have occurred to me.

  1. You don’t give away a marketable product (only pieces of it for promotional purposes).
  2. You need an entire set of electronic tools and capabilities just to stay afloat in this market (remember Sears, Penney’s, K-Mart?).
  3. If you are depending on others to be involved in marketing your shared product, you will need motivate them, you will need to teach them and you will need to organize them into a corps of money-hungry demons!
  4. You better be up on the tools of the trade. If you can’t design a database-driven website, you will need to hire developers, account managers and designers. They will make the money, but you probably will not.
  5. You better have some basic business skills.

I hope I still have all of those things. We shall see.

Today, I woke up thinking about how I might design a distribution system for a film/video with a potential for growth and profit. I have 44 other partners all over this country and in Canada.

I uploaded the first episode of “Veil of Secrecy 2020” (VOS2020) to my Lemon Aid Network website. That makes it possible for the members to stream that one episode. However, the entire final version of VOS2020 is over 17 gigabytes and lasts for 1 hour and 48 minutes.

It took nearly an hour to upload that one episode to my ISP’s platform. I have uploaded an earlier version of the entire film before. People have been able to stream it. Most try to download it and get discouraged when that takes them hours.

Then, there are the Apple People. It took me nearly a day to encode that earlier version into the Apple Format from the PC MP4 format. It is still on my hard drive with nearly 5 terabytes of other files related to this film.

I am going to end here. Please comment below and follow me on this WordPress blog.

Who knows? Out of the 45 people who own VOS2020, maybe someone will offer to sell you their share. BTW, two of the 45 are already deceased. Did I hear Ground Floor? Sorry about that reference, but our film is a parody on the Covid pandemic.


This was supposed to be the day when I added another “how-to” blog to my Facebook group for the owners of the independent film “Veil of Secrecy 2020” (VOS2020). I did add a subdomain on my server.

It is –

Right now if you go there, you will find a 403 Forbidden page. That is because I have not had time to create an index page for that new subdomain.

Once again, I tried to use a ready-made program from WordPress in its “delicious” categories of open source programs. My idea was to create a social media group just for the 44 people who now own the final cut of VOS2020.

This is the concept –

Back in the day, farmers created dairy cooperatives with other farmers where they could get better prices for raw milk by joining their neighbors in a cooperative distribution system where they all agreed on the price they would use to sell their raw milk to the dairies.

This took the form of some farm unions later.

One of the driving factors in Internet monetization is rate of traffic clicking on your content. YouTubers have no such cooperative and each content designer has to achieve a following of 1,000 subscribers and a viewing rate of 4000 hours before YouTube monetizes their sites. Subscribing and liking a YouTube site is the measure for making money on YouTube.

Where the monetization of VOS2020 is concerned, there are many approaches that range from simply making DVDs and selling them wherever and whenever to actually setting up a streaming site where you charge money for viewing and/or downloading the film/video itself.

My current thinking involves creating a private social networking site on my Lemon Aid Network where the 44 owners can communicate and exchange ideas for monetization. Also, I will be issuing 44 stock certificates which will have a small initial value, but could increase based on the sales of the VOS2020 product.

Now, if Microsoft had not needed to update my Windows system today; if my, ISP had successfully allowed me to download an open source social networking system, if I didn’t need to take my partner to dialysis etc., etc., etc., I could have been farther along in creating that networking program.

Anyhow, later.


This will become a regular vlog based on one of the many journals I have kept for the past 50+ years. Thr first in the series is my “Little Red Book” which includes entries from late 1983 through 1985.

Click on the following comment to watch the video.

It has been two years since the Beechie Creek Fire in Oregon that destroyed the town of Detroit and partially destroyed the towns of Gates and Lyons, Oregon. On September 17, 2020, Marion County Oregon had the worst air quality of any place in the world.

The particulates from that fire included many toxic and carcinogenic materials such as asbestos, lead, mercury and many more. The night of September 17-18, Marion County experienced a severe windstorm. One result of that storm was that this particulate was blown into my apartment.

Several different types of debris covered my personal property.

I had an apartment dwelling owner’s policy with The Hartford Insurance Company through AARP. The Kentucky-based adjuster sent a Servicemaster representative to inspect the damage. Servicemaster refused to prepare an estimate and insisted that I sign a contract authorizing them to begin cleanup on a time-and-expense basis.

I contacted two different restoration contractor’s. One simply said I did not have enough coverage to pay for the cleanup.

I asked the Hartford adjuster to send me its check for $14,000, the lower of the two contractor’s bids. The adjuster sent me a check for $4,000.

My apartment has not been habitable for two years. My attorney has filed suit against The Hartford.

I have a rare respiratory condition – hypersensitivity pneumonitis. In 2022, my pulmonologist found two new “things” on my lungs. I now have to have an MRI of my lungs every 6 months.

How many of my followers have had similar experiences with insurance companies?

I own two WordPress blog accounts. One is my dzinor2013 account. One is my popspedster account.

The dzinor 2013 account is linked to my domain at

I still need to link my popspedster account to

I own two or three domains. I am a non-profit company with an IRS EIN. I have now linked my WordPress blog to my domain at which is an educational/entertainment network featuring new, emerging talents.

My primary and oldest Internet domain is where I publish materials for the community with developmental disabilities.

I have accounts on these social networking sites –

YouTube – The Lemon Aid Network – YouTube

and – James Kemp – YouTube

Facebook – The Lemon Aid Network | Facebook

Vimeo – Vimeo

Patreon – The Lemon Aid Network is creating independent video content | Patreon

Teachers Pay Teachers – An Introduction to Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Transition-ages (

Linkedin – (17) LinkedIn

Ebay – popsp_9233 on eBay

Instagram – Instagram

Wistia – The Lemon Aid Network – dzinor (

Pinterest –

Log into one and check it out.

My business is registered with the Oregon Secretary of State at – Business Registry Business Name Search (


Jim Kemp

PS – I guess I pay for two email accounts on WordPress. I have never received or sent messages from either address,

I watched the independent film titled “Film Fest” on Amazon Prime. As an independent film maker myself, I found it to be enjoyable.

The director/ auteur plays a director/ auteur whose latest ouvre has been accepted into the competition at a little-known film festival. The questionable status of this festival becomes all too evident.

Mr. Director/Auteur’s cast and crew pack up their stuff and leave LaLa Land for the redneck northern part of the state. At the film festival, they encounter every cliché, every overworked situation and every idiot film critic/groupie common to the genre.

I was reminded of “The Big Picture” but any comparison would be giving “Film Fest” unwarranted kudos. The overriding term that comes to mind is “contrived”.

There is one sweet scene in which the producer of the fictional film breaks down and confesses she has maxed out her credit cards to finance the director’s dream piece.

If you are not in any way associated with the production of independent films, I doubt if you will get much from this material. If you are…

God bless you!

James M. Kemp

November 5, 2021

It never occurred to me to create a script of the narrative for my children’s book titled “Spout’s First Note”. There are a number of video versions out there on places like YouTube.

However, any of those versions probably feature a narrative being read by me.

So, I have begun working on a voice-over script which can be read in a setting such as a Zoom meeting and then pasted into an MP4.

If I get the script done by the end of the day, I will post it tonight.

James M. Kemp

October 27, 2021
