This was supposed to be the day when I added another “how-to” blog to my Facebook group for the owners of the independent film “Veil of Secrecy 2020” (VOS2020). I did add a subdomain on my server.

It is –

Right now if you go there, you will find a 403 Forbidden page. That is because I have not had time to create an index page for that new subdomain.

Once again, I tried to use a ready-made program from WordPress in its “delicious” categories of open source programs. My idea was to create a social media group just for the 44 people who now own the final cut of VOS2020.

This is the concept –

Back in the day, farmers created dairy cooperatives with other farmers where they could get better prices for raw milk by joining their neighbors in a cooperative distribution system where they all agreed on the price they would use to sell their raw milk to the dairies.

This took the form of some farm unions later.

One of the driving factors in Internet monetization is rate of traffic clicking on your content. YouTubers have no such cooperative and each content designer has to achieve a following of 1,000 subscribers and a viewing rate of 4000 hours before YouTube monetizes their sites. Subscribing and liking a YouTube site is the measure for making money on YouTube.

Where the monetization of VOS2020 is concerned, there are many approaches that range from simply making DVDs and selling them wherever and whenever to actually setting up a streaming site where you charge money for viewing and/or downloading the film/video itself.

My current thinking involves creating a private social networking site on my Lemon Aid Network where the 44 owners can communicate and exchange ideas for monetization. Also, I will be issuing 44 stock certificates which will have a small initial value, but could increase based on the sales of the VOS2020 product.

Now, if Microsoft had not needed to update my Windows system today; if my, ISP had successfully allowed me to download an open source social networking system, if I didn’t need to take my partner to dialysis etc., etc., etc., I could have been farther along in creating that networking program.

Anyhow, later.
