This blog is about the private investment cooperative group which I recently created. I know that sounds complicated a boring. It is both.

If you stopped reading with that last sentence, you will never know about this for-profit system I am creating. No, I am not begging for money. (If you want to donate to my non-profit entity however, a donation button on all of my web pages is located at the bottom of each page. You will be redirected to my Square(up?) account where you can deposit money into my business bank account).

So, what’s up? I finished editing my first full-length film/video. I have a marketable product. I also have potentially 45 individuals that helped me produce the piece. I have given each of them one stock certificate of ownership in the film/video itself.

As I have been pondering the marketing of the product, several things have occurred to me.

  1. You don’t give away a marketable product (only pieces of it for promotional purposes).
  2. You need an entire set of electronic tools and capabilities just to stay afloat in this market (remember Sears, Penney’s, K-Mart?).
  3. If you are depending on others to be involved in marketing your shared product, you will need motivate them, you will need to teach them and you will need to organize them into a corps of money-hungry demons!
  4. You better be up on the tools of the trade. If you can’t design a database-driven website, you will need to hire developers, account managers and designers. They will make the money, but you probably will not.
  5. You better have some basic business skills.

I hope I still have all of those things. We shall see.

Today, I woke up thinking about how I might design a distribution system for a film/video with a potential for growth and profit. I have 44 other partners all over this country and in Canada.

I uploaded the first episode of “Veil of Secrecy 2020” (VOS2020) to my Lemon Aid Network website. That makes it possible for the members to stream that one episode. However, the entire final version of VOS2020 is over 17 gigabytes and lasts for 1 hour and 48 minutes.

It took nearly an hour to upload that one episode to my ISP’s platform. I have uploaded an earlier version of the entire film before. People have been able to stream it. Most try to download it and get discouraged when that takes them hours.

Then, there are the Apple People. It took me nearly a day to encode that earlier version into the Apple Format from the PC MP4 format. It is still on my hard drive with nearly 5 terabytes of other files related to this film.

I am going to end here. Please comment below and follow me on this WordPress blog.

Who knows? Out of the 45 people who own VOS2020, maybe someone will offer to sell you their share. BTW, two of the 45 are already deceased. Did I hear Ground Floor? Sorry about that reference, but our film is a parody on the Covid pandemic.
