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909 innocent people drank poisoned Kool-aid mn Guyana. They were members of a religious cult led by Jim Jones.

Statistically, 909 average, ordinary people were victims of a charismatic preacher who came to power by abusing trusting followers.

The followers had believed they had found a spokesperson sent by God to reveal God to those followers. Jim Jones surely must have believed that he himself was God’s spokesperson.

Like David Koresh or the Jeffs fellow, Jones was not above engaging in sexual relationships with members, probably assuming that some divinely licensed right was engendered in him as that spokesperson.

Amazon calls one of its programs “Amazon Associates” program. In short any person who can write HTML code, can open an account and copy HTML code for any Amazon product and then post that code on one’s personal or business site. Amazon then creates an account where it keeps records of clicks recorded on that “associate’s” account and the amount of sales. Amazon then awards that “associate” with a small commission for the service the “associate” delivers.

All goes well if you follow all of the Amazon rules and attend all of the Amazon University classes.

But do NOT attempt to be creative on your site. If you create an image that combines your own trademark with any Amazon trademark, you will log onto your account one day and find it missing. In your email box, you will find an email from Amazon listing all of the ways you violated Amazon’s trademark.

This is why I no longer have an Amazon Associates account. But it is not why I received Facebook Messenger messages informing me that Facebook would be closing my group pages where the Amazon infringements occurred.

There is a problem however. The links in the Facebook/Meta messages were not only identified by Norton Security as being dangerous, when I tried to go to those links anyway, Norton simply blocked those links.

Now what does that tell us? How did hackers know that my Amazon account was being closed?

Anyway, I will share some of the egregious images I created by posting them in this blog. Please feel free to comment.

Since 2013, I have been writing posts in this blog that deal with my chronic respiratory condition that has been diagnosed as Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. I have had that diagnosis since 2009 when I was last hospitalized in the ICU at Bay Area Hospital in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Now, 10 years after starting this blog, I have news of what appears to be either a different diagnosis or an expanded diagnosis. My PCP has ordered annual chest CTs based in the fact that I am a former smoker.

The first scan found two unknown nodules in one of my lungs. the second scan 6 months later found that the nodules had not changed nor had they grown.

Earlier this year, the most recent scan found the same thing – no change; no growth. This time, however, the report from the doctor reading the scan made a significant notation in terms of what these nodules might be.

Granulomatous cells.

My body seems to have had this condition since childhood when I had regular infections in my toenails. In young adulthood, I experienced chronic bronchitis. In midlife, these infections took the form of toxic reaction to black molds.

While I have not had a major infection since 2009, my body continues to produce what now appear to be Giant Cell Granulomatous cysts. Most of these have formed as skeletonal

This is a red letter day. I am posting content on Spotify, YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo.

I created my first packaged music video of “Standing Room Only” from our pandemic film “Veil of Secrecy 2029”.

Next is my own song “Half Alive”.

Happy happy joy joy.


The final cut of my independent film, “Veil of Secrecy 2020” is now complete and can be streamed from my Internet site at

Yesterday, I sent a Facebook message to the owners of that film, advising them that I am releasing to them all rights to publish, promote and profit from their ownership.

Today, I have advised the owners that I will be posting “how to” blogs on this WordPress account. In this format, members will be able to interact freely with other members without the downside of posts on major platforms.

First, we are already in a world where people either understand how Internet platforms work or not. People either have a basic understanding of Internet jargon or they don’t. The purpose of his blog is now turning into an instructional blog where anyone cna learn about these issues.

First, what is a platform? Remember when the Internet was called the World Wide Web (www)? That image still controls the majority of what happens and of what has happened on the Internet. That design is a system of interconnected sites points (nodes) on an immense spiderweb.

Those nodes could be bought from an independent distributor set up by our government and called Network Solutions (NS). NS controlled the Unique Resource sites (URS) where users could publish anything they could write in Hypertext Markup Language (HMTL). Those URSs could end in several domain names such as dot com (.com), dot edu (.edu) and so on. Then another subdomain usually named the country of origin such as .de for German.

Next, HTML editing programs developed where developers/users could write in HTML and include photos and videos in links on their sites. So, common file types developed such as GIF, JPG, Mov, MPEG and MP4. These could be uploaded to a site to folders and then linked for downloading by users/visitors to a site.

Then, things got bigger. Corporations began to develop platforms and sell space on their platforms to anyone who bought a domain from NS. That person then had an account with NS where their site could be directed to the Internetnet Service Provider (ISP) who owned the platform.

Later, when WISIWIG (what you see is what you get) programs were developed, companies owning platforms could publish their own content which was being developed by users who might not even know HTML. Examples include all of the current social media platforms and commercial sites such as Godaddy. WordPress is also such a site.

Then, companies developed programs with banks where users could push their products and get paid even for services rendered.

And that is where we are today. The big thing driving the Internet marketplace is traffic – how many times per day does the public hit your site link? And that drives whether or not any other company will buy advertising time on your site.

I began publishing HTML in 1995. The Microsoft Network (MSN) was one of the first platforms offering the things needed for publishing. I used an early HTML editor named Hotdog. It allowed me to publish HTML1 by using a File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Usually that meant uploading your HTML1 files to a file on the platform typically named home_html or some such. Your content then migrated to an index file which was (and still is) the first page users see when they visit your site. All other content comes from that index file.

If all of this sounds too complicated, I will be happy to answer questions posted in the comments section of this blog.

My next blog will discuss my idea for a new model for publishing and profiting from Internet content such as my independent film/video “Veil of Secrecy 2020”.


PS- pay no attention to the Anchor link. This feature was being developed between WordPress and Spotify and is no longer available (for free).

Jim’s Little Red Book – 1983 to 1985


314 FitzPatrick Building, Coos Bay, Oregon.

November 14, 1983 – So I am back to this journal thing. What has changed most is the I. My last record was in 1978, I think. It was more of a young man’s sorting out of things. Now I’m 35. I have a wife and three children and I live in Oregon. For the past five years I have been a claims adjuster for GAB Business Services.

It has all come about so quickly – this 1984. In 1972, I didn’t think I’d be alive in 1984. I had just read Orwell’s book in 1966, and it all seemed so distant to that high school senior in Stronghurst, Illinois. In 1966, I would not have believed – Reagan is president in 1984, my father dying in 1972, my children being born in 1978 and 1975, that I would move to Oregon in 1983, that I would still be a Christian in 1983, that would’ve been married in 1976 and above all, I would not have believed that I would be a basically happy person entering into 1984.

This week the networks are running Kennedy specials. I stopped writing my annual memorial poems in 1973, I think. But I still write poetry. I still do artwork. Hell, I even built my own house in 1978. Don’t know my own strengths. But I come from a pretty sturdy stock of Englishmen and Scotsmen. I’m still “rat”-ional.

Sometimes, Perseverance is everything. I think I’ll endure. In some sense. But the help of Jesus. I’m back into a regular routine of calisthenics now. That helps. I still smoke too much. I still worry too much. But, Joyce and I did come through this last recession relatively unscathed. Undaunted anyway. She’s from the same sturdy stock. Peer to work ethic and all.

Still there’s a lot of the mystic in me. Probably got it from Marjorie Kempe or from Rev. John Kempe, the Archbishop of Canterbury for such. But in the last few years, I’ve had more orgasms than mystical revelations. Must be some inverse relationship there. But I don’t plan to take a vow of chastity as Marjorie and her husband did. They had already had 14 kids though. Both of us did have a mystical experience recently during communion at North Bend United Presbyterian Church. Joyce and I were both moved to tears by the Holy Spirit. “For a man shall leave his mother and woman leave her home. They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one.”

Joyce and I are traveling there.

Well, it is nearly noon and I’m going home to have lunch with my family. This can wait – there’s plenty of 1983 left. 1984 is ahead.

The rat retreats to his nest.

It has been two years since the Beechie Creek Fire in Oregon that destroyed the town of Detroit and partially destroyed the towns of Gates and Lyons, Oregon. On September 17, 2020, Marion County Oregon had the worst air quality of any place in the world.

The particulates from that fire included many toxic and carcinogenic materials such as asbestos, lead, mercury and many more. The night of September 17-18, Marion County experienced a severe windstorm. One result of that storm was that this particulate was blown into my apartment.

Several different types of debris covered my personal property.

I had an apartment dwelling owner’s policy with The Hartford Insurance Company through AARP. The Kentucky-based adjuster sent a Servicemaster representative to inspect the damage. Servicemaster refused to prepare an estimate and insisted that I sign a contract authorizing them to begin cleanup on a time-and-expense basis.

I contacted two different restoration contractor’s. One simply said I did not have enough coverage to pay for the cleanup.

I asked the Hartford adjuster to send me its check for $14,000, the lower of the two contractor’s bids. The adjuster sent me a check for $4,000.

My apartment has not been habitable for two years. My attorney has filed suit against The Hartford.

I have a rare respiratory condition – hypersensitivity pneumonitis. In 2022, my pulmonologist found two new “things” on my lungs. I now have to have an MRI of my lungs every 6 months.

How many of my followers have had similar experiences with insurance companies?

I own two WordPress blog accounts. One is my dzinor2013 account. One is my popspedster account.

The dzinor 2013 account is linked to my domain at

I still need to link my popspedster account to

Spotlight Community Theater in Stayton, Oregon will be selling original items actually used in the 2019 premiere of my musical adaptation, “And the Snow Falls – the Musical”. Each item will have a Certificate of Authenticity to accompany the purchased item.

Here is what that certificate will look like and the address of the sale catalogue in a QR code. Scan it with your cell phone.

As a follow up to last night’s blog, I am attaching a PDF of the first act of my audio drama titled “Spout’s First Note”. The word note refers to a note of music. The people who live on Spout’s planet of Songsing, tend to be gifted in music. But how would they react to a non-musical youth?

James M. Kemp

October 28, 2021