Old guy at the gym.

When you check out of a store, do the clerks yell at you like you are deaf? When you drive at the speed limit, do younger people honk at you and pass you with raised fists? When you carry your groceries to your car, do nice, young people offer to help you?

If so, and if you are retirement age, you might be a victim of Age Discrimination! Tadadeedum!

Maggie Kuhn started the Gray Panthers in the 1970s as an advocacy group for senior citizens. Since then, while seniors have enjoyed nice perks, we also are becoming a marginalized social group.

Our culture is ever more one that venerates Youth. How many ads show beautiful young people enjoying life while the ads show debilitated, diseased and decrepit seniors?

We tend to treat ourselves as if we retired with the only purpose being that we hang around and die, as if we all had Alzheimers or dementia and were condemned to a life in a wheelchair.

I want the purpose of this blog to be a place where seniors can air their thoughts and experiences with being marginalized.

How has our society marginalized you as a senior citizen?